How to make photoshop portable cs4 bigger on screen
How to make photoshop portable cs4 bigger on screen

Don't be mistaken: for photo editing lower resolutions are more comfortable and precise than HiDpi. If both 100% and 200% settings are not good in your case, you'll have to set your display resolution to a lower value, like 1920 x 1080 or even less. Note that the scale factor is not used in the organizer, which can recognize the custom size font settings of the Windows explorer (125% for instance) Good for real 4k resolution and normal size desktop monitors, but 200% setting may lead to hide part of the menus and tool bars with too big fonts. The solution provided from Elements 13 on was to allow the '200% UI Scale Factor. Since the introduction of HiDpi (or 4k) displays some 6 years ago, the way fonts are displayed in Windows has been a problem for softwares totally based on old Microsoft APIs they do not allow 'scaling' the menu font sizes freely. Your issue is that you have a semi-high resolution and small display (the worst situation now.)

How to make photoshop portable cs4 bigger on screen